Saturday, September 15, 2007


My name is Barb and I am 55 years old. My dad passed away almost seven years ago of cancer. I was active in taking him to the cancer clinic when he was receiving chemo and radiation.

He had a wonderful sense of humor and I would tease him about what signs he could send me when he crossed over. I asked if he could help me pick the winning lotto numbers and I would share the wealth amongst my siblings. He laughed and said "Oh no, what I will do is drive you crazy. I know you hate getting up early and you NEVER answer your phone, so I will ring your phone very early every day until you are really annoyed."

Well about three to four months after his passing, around 7:55 a.m., the phone would ring. Generally after four rings the answering machine picks up. But instead the phone would ring about eight times. I would go out to investigate why the answering machine wasn't picking it up and there were no problems that I could see. I checked my call display. Usually even if it is a wrong number there will be some kind of display. But the phone display was blank.

This went on for another five days, until I got mad and said out loud, "This is really starting to annoy me." Then it hit me, "Oh my god, this is what Dad said he would do to give me a sign." I told this story to some of my friends and they think I am crazy. But it has not happened since and never happened before.

Mary Ann, is it possible that my dad was sending me a message?

Dear Barb,
What a great experience. Your father gave you a sign that let you know it really was him. People that die from cancer or other lingering diseases, usually cross-over right after the funeral. They know that they are dying and they are usually tired and want to see their loved ones that died before them. Let your friends think that you are crazy. You and I know better, it was your dad.

Mary Ann
Fayetteville, NC

Dear Mary Ann,
My husband and I are looking to buy an older home to fix up. The problem is, in several pictures of these older homes I have spotted orbs. My husband laughs at me because I have told him that I will not buy a home that could possibly have a ghost. The thought really frightens me. I have never seen or experienced a ghost that I know of, nor do I ever care to. Can you tell me the story behind orbs and whether they can be dangerous or not. Is there any way to tell a house is haunted before moving in?

Thank you for your help.

Hello Angie,
Any house that has orbs is a house that is not haunted. Pictures of orbs are good ghosts, not the earthbound ghosts that "haunt." So buy away. You will not have a problem.

Mary Ann
New Orleans, LA

Dear Mary Ann,
I believe in spirits and the afterlife. I always have. I have always been able to sense things and there are times when the dreams I think I am having have such a profound effect on me that I believe they are not dreams but are really happening to me ( i.e. my grandmother standing by my bed or in my children's room).

But now my four-year-old son, who has always asked me questions regarding God, heaven and ghosts, talks to my grandmother, who he has never met. She passed nine years before he was born. But after taking him to the cemetery for All Saints Day last year-he put his hand on her tomb and told her it was nice to finally meet her-he speaks of "Margaret" constantly and now his two-year-old brother says that she lives in their room.

I believe she could be here with us. But are they really in touch with their great grandmother?

Hi Dee,
Some people-and you seem to be one of them-have very vivid dreams. It almost seems the dream runs right into awake time. A lot of times this can run from one generation to another.

At your children's ages they would be able to see and talk to ghosts anyway, but even more so, because of what you do. They would be very aware of who and where the spirit would be.

So I am sure it is great grandmother Margaret they are seeing. How wonderful for your children. And I am sure it is a great pleasure for your grandmother.

Mary Ann
Philadelphia, PA

Dear Mary Ann,

I have seen shadows from time to time and something is always falling down. My son is six years old and he has been complaining about ghosts. He also will not sleep in his room. My husband's grandfather passed away and I'm not sure if it's him. What does this mean?

Hi Tiffany,
It is not the grandfather. Why would he want to scare your son? I believe you have an earthbound ghost in the house that is causing the trouble. Try to get an ordained priest or minister in the house to bless it. Or use a smudge stick of either sage or sweet grass-it will help.

Mary Ann
Memphis, TN

Hello Mary Ann,

My husband and I experience a lot of odd things in our home. My husband says these things only started when I moved in. I have always felt a presence of spirits, but since my favorite uncle passed, I have had more and more experiences. We have things actually disappear completely and then suddenly reappear. These are very strong experiences.

We will be watching TV, like a cooking show, and the TV will suddenly, on its own, change to a sporting event. The first time it was changed to the NBA basketball playoffs. I told my husband that my uncle loved the playoffs and died during the playoffs. It also has changed to the World Series and so on.

Does this sound to you as though we may have a spirit with us? Also, our dogs seem to follow someone around and watch someone in the hallway and upstairs. I believe they see our spirit.

What do you think about all this?

Dear Rebecca,
Yes, I believe that you do have an earthbound ghost in your house. I have no way of knowing if it is your uncle, but it is there. All the things that are happening, plus the dogs watching someone, indicate this. Ghosts can follow people from house to house, so maybe someone moved with you on your last move.

It sounds like it is probably a man, because of the TV sports. Your hunches are right, you are not alone.

Mary Ann
Tacoma, WA

Hello MaryAnn,

I was living in a house in Waco, TX, that was, in my opinion, very haunted. When my wife and I moved into the house, little things started happening. While watching TV in our living room we would hear three knocks on the wall behind us. I would knock back three times and it would repeat a few seconds later.

Things started to get more intense after we started playing the Ouija board. While playing it in the kitchen with nothing but one candle by us we would see a shape flying along the wall over the archway of the kitchen door and back down and along the wall. At night when we went to bed I would see white balls of light flying all around the room. There was also one very ominous, very dark thing that would float over me while I was in bed. At first my wife was not able to see it until I pointed it out to her; then it scared the heck out of her when she was finally able to see it.

The ghost in the movie "The Grudge" that was floating over the old woman's bed looks just like the ghost that floated over me while I was in bed only not as visible. There was also a ghost that would hang around the foot of the bed on my wife's side. It seemed like it would move around out of the closet and just stand by the bed. There was also a lot of soft scratching in the upper corner over the bed and once I was even thumped on the forehead. I guess they were trying to wake me up.

I have moved from the house in Waco and I don't believe any ghost tagged along. However, I do have ghost stories about my new home too. I have rarely been scared by these ghosts and actually found them interesting. What are your thoughts on these ghost?



Hi Daniel,
Ouija boards are not very high on my lists. A lot of houses I clear have had problems because of Ouija boards. Everything that you described happening in Waco I am sure was really going on. The more interaction you have with an earthbound ghost, the more energy they get. Talking to them, knocking on the walls, your wife being scared, all this did was give the ghosts more energy.

You are fortunate that they did not move with you. They very well could have. Who would have been able to stop them? I suggest you put your energy into trying to communicate with ghosts that have crossed over, instead of earthbound ghosts.

Mary Ann

Hey there,

A couple of questions. I believe there is a ghost in my house. I live on the California coast, in a very old house. The spirit seems to be into messing or playing tricks on me. Not scary, kinda funny. I believe it's a male or maybe a little boy. My husband doesn't believe me, but it scared him once in the garage when he was by himself. He also doesn't like it when I talk about the ghost.

It seems to grab at my rear end when I do the dishes. As well as pull my hair. It's done this when I'm by myself, and with others around. I believe my four year old daughter has seen it too. She even went as far as to tell me his name is Ashton. She has told me that he rides in our car next to her, and I've seen her playing ring around the roses with "him."

I've had some belief in the supernatural or ghosts, but now I strongly believe in it. I want to know if I'm right, or is my mind playing tricks on me? Also, I'd like to connect with a loved one who has passed. Is there a way to say hi and I love you?

Thank You!


Hi Lucky 13
Just because you live in an old house does not mean there are ghosts. They can be in new houses also. It definitely sounds like you have at least two earthbound ghosts in the house. I believe your daughter when she says that she sees "Ashton" and plays with him. That is what children do whether they are alive or dead. They like to play with other children.

I hope it is Ashton grabbing your butt, and not an adult male ghost. Neither one is good. How can your husband not believe you when he was scared by one of them? You need to try and use a smudge stick and/or have your house blessed.

Try to connect with a dead loved one in a dream. That is the easiest way.

Mary Ann

Columbus, OH

I'm almost positive there is a ghost in my house. I have taken pictures both in and outside and they contain orbs...usually around my daughter. My question is, if it is an earthbound ghost, is it wrong to talk to them? I'm not sure if they're even there, earthbound or not? If they are earthbound, but are nice, can I talk to them? I think what you are able to do is absolutely wonderful.

Pictures of orbs are good ghosts, guardian angels, angels, spirit guides, and relatives and friends that have died and crossed over. If you see an orb you can talk to it. There is no harm in that.

But you do not want to talk to earthbound ghosts-all you are doing is feeding them your energy. It is best to ignore them.

Mary Ann

Blue Eagle

Being Native American, and the path I am on, it's not uncommon for me to see things. Seeing spirits and spirit energies, as well as hearing the guides of the living telling me things of those they guide through life, it's amazing some of the things they let me see and feel.

Also this thing about Friday the 13th, for many Native people, 13 is a very sacred number and considered very lucky. The idea of 13 being unlucky is more a myth.

Blue Eagle

Hello Blue Eagle,
You are correct. There is nothing wrong or unlucky about Friday the 13th. The name for the fear of the number thirteen is triskaidekaphobia. People have had this fear for centuries.

I personally love the number 13. I was married on the 13th, and our 13th anniversary fell on Friday the 13th. We have been married almost forty years. It has been very lucky for my husband and me.

Good luck on your path. Being Native American, you have great natural abilities and your guides are very knowledgeable.

Mary Ann


To whom it may concern:
I don't usually do this but I thought I would give it a try. I was wondering if the spirits are roaming on earth somewhere. I had a stillborn 9 years ago and I was wondering if it was my imagination when I saw a green light one day after I had her. But I have seen it once or twice after that first time. And can you tell me if I'm going crazy? My mom says no, it's natural. But I don't know and everyone thinks I'm crazy.



Hello Jennifer,
The loss of a stillborn baby is very hard. Their guardian angel or a grandparent that has died and has crossed over, are right there to take care of them, and carry them to heaven.

Your mom is right. It is natural to worry about her. I think the green light is just her way of letting you know that she is fine, and you will see her at the appropriate time.

So no, I do not think that you are going crazy.

Mary Ann


What is the third eye?

Atlantic City, NJ

About a couple of years ago, maybe more then a couple, I was walking on the boardwalk with a friend. A strange man-I believe he was a bum-who was on a bike came up to us asking for money to help him buy something to eat. Well we had no money to give but then he started to chat with us about how he was a bum for some time and on and on. But then he tells me I have the Third Eye. I was a little confused on that and thought he was crazy. Soon after, maybe like a month or so, I started to see shadows on the walls and started to wonder. Is there a thing called the Third Eye? And if so, is there a way to control it to maybe help the other side?


Hi Mary Ann,

I came across your website while I was looking for "how do spirits cross over?" I am a developing medium and I am learning every day. I feel many spirits around me all the time, in the form of cold breezes. I am still learning how to communicate with them. But mostly, I guess I'm not sure how to recognize if they are lost and not crossed over, or crossed over and just visiting. I see them in my third eye also. I do not know how to cross them over either. I have tried visualizing the white light for them and urging them through, but it hasn't worked, unless my technique is wrong?

I am able to draw them also (very badly) and do automatic writing. Just recently over the last few months, I have had some spirits infiltrate my body and take my energy. I have felt extremely fatigued and drowsy because of it. I have known it was them and tried to get rid of it. They recently "came out," in a group meditation circle. I felt quite carsick right after I felt the fatigue removed and much clearer in my vision. I totally understand that perhaps I may not have been protecting myself properly, and that I am to blame.

I do watch Ghost Whisperer and have learned a great deal. But I am still unsure of what I'm feeling around me. There are a few here next to me as I'm writing this, just wanting some attention. I tend to ignore them because sometimes I get my wires crossed and bad information. I am just looking for some sort of assistance in how to deal with these beings and how to recognize what's what. I would love to pass on their messages to people that need it, but until I learn how to communicate properly, I don't want to as much. If you get to this email, thanks for reading.



Hi Gina, Janet and Julian,
All three of you are asking the same question. The third eye area is a region of the head between the eyebrows, above the root of the nose. This is perceived to be where the energy enters the mind and gives psychic abilities to anyone that has developed this area.

Gina, you need to develop your third eye to a higher level to be able to do all that you want. Your spirit guides will help you at the right speed of learning for you. Doing automatic writing is asking for trouble. Without proper prayer and protection, be very careful. You have seen how dangerous it can be.

Janet and Julian, I think the definition of the third eye will answer your questions.

Good luck.

Mary Ann


Does "astrotraveling" make you look like a ghost if another person sees you? If not, what is "astrotraveling" look like if another person sees it?

You are asking about astral projection. Your astral body (part of your spirit) moves around in the astral plane. When that happens, a live person would not see anything out of the ordinary. It would look like the person was just sleeping.

The person that is in the astral plane however can see other spirits that are there. They would seem to be real, not a ghost, or spirit.

Mary Ann

Hi, my name is Chiara. I am 41. I live in Belgium and have Italian origins. I've heard about the show, which I cannot watch-being so far away-through a Yahoo! group which deals with dogs. Talk of strange ways of obtaining interesting information...

I would like to know if there is any way of knowing who, if anyone, I have by my side from beyond. I've heard people can do this by looking at a picture of the person asking, but never really knew whom to address to get this done.

I hope you will answer me, one way or another! Thanks in advance!

Hi Chiara,
Everyone has a guardian angel, spirit guides, and loved ones that have died and crossed over that come and visit us. You will be able to get this information yourself through dreams. When your dead loved ones come to you in a dream, you can talk to them.

More specifically, I think you are referring to a person who can do Psychometry. This is a psychic that has the ability to hold a picture or an object and get information. People with this ability are really valuable to law enforcement, helping them to solve crimes.

With this information, maybe you can find someone in Brussels with this ability to help you. I hope Ghost Whisperer will be available in Belgium soon.

Mary Ann

Maple, Ontario

I am wondering if my grandfather (my mother's father) is my guardian angel. And has my other grandfather (my father's father) gone to heaven?

Thank you very much,


Dear Laura,
If you dream of either one of your grandfathers then they have crossed over and are where they are supposed to be. When people die and cross over they can have angel-like qualities, but they do not become angels.

But just because they are not angels does not mean they cannot visit you. All grandparents visit their grandchildren a lot. They do not miss too much.

Mary Ann

Clifton Springs, NY

Dear Mary Ann,

About two weeks ago my grandfather died and my family is feeling really bad. He was sick but we kept telling him what the doctors told us, that he would be fine. Well he was not and he passed. Our family fears he is mad at us and that maybe he was not ready to die and that maybe he was scared.

It was our family's decision to help him pass. The doctors said he was gone and recommended taking him off life support. My mother fears he would also be disappointed in us for doing that, even though we were respecting his wishes to never be kept alive on life support.

But he always stressed that he didn't want to die. I am just wondering your thoughts. Is there anyway to communicate with him to have any questions answered to make sure he is okay? Any information you can give would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hello Melissa,
I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Of all the ghosts that I talk to at funerals (when I am invited), not one was angry for being taken off life support. Your family did the right thing. They followed your grandfather's wishes and also the advice of his doctors.

Very few people want to die, but I have never found a spirit that wants to stay on life support. They all saw people who had died before them, and they were really more than okay with having to go.

As soon as you or someone in your family dreams of him, you will know that he is not angry.

Mary Ann

Vichy, MO

Dear Mary Ann, Recently, I lost my daughter Shilynne, due to an auto accident (3/23/07). I was reading your answers to people's questions. Am I correct in my understanding that if no one dreams of Shilynne then she is earthbound?

I had a dream of her talking to me but I couldn't see her. Her junior high school ring and birthstone ring were missing. This was bugging me. I wanted her buried with her school ring because she loved that ring. I wanted to keep her birthstone ring for myself. Well, in the dream she told me where her rings were. The next day I found her rings. Where I found them I had been through that stuff before.

Part of me wants her to be earthbound. Then I won't feel so lonesome. But the other part of me wants her to get comfort by finding the light. This probably sounds crazy but she was only 18 years old, almost a graduate from high school. I am sorry for bothering you but I just wanted ask someone who would know.


Dear Michelle,
I am sorry to hear about Shilynne. Especially at such an early age. She has only been gone about six weeks. The first dream is usually around six months, but it can take longer. You have had at least one dream with her talking to you. She must have been very close to you for you to dream of her that soon. That is very early to dream of someone that has died.

She has crossed over, or you would not have had the dream. You are right, it is better for her to be in the light. As you have found out, she is with you. That is how you got the information about the rings. My guess is she put the rings where you could find them, because you were so upset about them.

You will not have any trouble communicating with her. The loss will always be there, but at least you can see and talk to her in your dreams. That should bring you some measure of comfort.

Mary Ann

Dunedin, FL

Hi Mary Ann,

My mom passed on June 1, 2006. We had her cremated and she is back in her room in a beautiful urn. About three months ago her TV started to come on and go off by itself. So I told her I would leave it on for her. One day I was in there putting water in the fountain and when I was walking out of the room the TV came on. This has been going on for a while. Is this my mom? It is not a power surge. What should I do?

Hi Tracey,
This might be your mother's way of saying "Hi," and letting you know that she is around. If you, or any of your family members, or anybody else that knew your mom, has had a dream of her, then she has crossed over. You could ask her in a dream why she is doing this with the TV.

I have to admit, ghosts that have crossed over usually do not turn television sets on or off. I have found that this is the work of an earthbound ghost playing pranks.

Mary Ann

Milliken, CO

I have a few questions about something new that is occurring in my house. My daughter, age seven, recently has seen dancing lights in our backyard, angels or fairies inside our house, and most recently black smoke with a nice face and smoke with a mean staring face.

She is not concerned with the angels, but the black smoke with the mean face is starting to scare her, so much so that she can't be alone without seeing it stare at her or bug her to the point that she breaks down. She sees it at school and saw it at my sister's house and most recently saw it in our house. It is starting to scare us as well even though we see nothing. It must be intimidating her so much that it makes her emotions run from sadness and crying to being upset and not knowing why she feels this way.

We have taken photos and out of at least 100, we got 20 with some sort of orb-type light. Is she attracting more because they know she can see them? We desperately need some sort of advice please. Thank you.

Dear Victor,
Please pay attention to your daughter. Children are so pure and innocent; they have the ability to see all kinds of ghosts. The dancing lights, or glittering sparkles and faces that are not threatening can be angels, spirit guides, or ghosts that have crossed over. Any pictures that you take that have orbs (perfectly round objects) are good ghosts and can be any of the above.

From your description, 99 percent of what she is seeing is good, and again, normal for a child. Unfortunately, now she is also seeing one that is an earthbound ghost that likes scaring her. He is getting the energy he needs from her and you because you are stressed and worried about her.

Here are a few suggestions. Smudge your house with sage or sweet grass. Try to have the house blessed by an ordained priest or minister. Do not sprinkle holy water around yourself. That will only make your situation worse. And do not talk or scream at him. That will only give him more energy.

He seems to like to follow your daughter. Put several spoons of sea salt in a spray bottle and mix with water, and mist her lightly. Earthbound ghosts will usually stay away from sea salt. This will work about 60 percent of the time.

She may feel like she has more control over him if you let her spray him with the sea salt mixture when she sees him.

Good luck!

Mary Ann


My husband's son from his first marriage was killed in a car accident on June 6, 2006. His friend was driving. Kris, my stepson, died instantly. He was ejected from the car. I want to know if he suffered at all or if he wants to communicate with anyone here since nobody was able to say goodbye.

Dear Maria
I am so sorry to hear about your stepson's death. It is hard when a young person dies. I talk to a lot of dead people and no matter how anyone died they all have said the same thing: it really does not hurt to die.

If someone has a bad sickness, they sometimes suffer, but not when they actually die. Accidents like your stepson's usually happen so fast that they feel only surprise when they realize that they are dead. When you have a dream about him you can ask him yourself, and you will then be able to say goodbye.

Mary Ann

Hanover, MI

My sister Mary was terminally ill two years ago. She passed on 5/31/05. One day my youngest sister Margaret was at my house. We were driving together to Mary's to help care for her. Margaret admired a painting on the hallway wall just before we left the house. Later that day my significant other returned home and he called me. He asked if I had taken the painting down and set it on the floor against the wall. It wasn't either Margaret or me who took the painting down? Also, who drops coins for me and who sets off my musical coke magnet?

Dear Betty,
I cannot tell you who took the picture down. It was the only incident that you talked about. If it was an earthbound ghost in your house, there would be more going on. As far as the coins and your musical coke magnet, that is most likely your sister Mary saying "Hi" when she comes for a visit. Music boxes going off and little knick-knacks being moved or turned, is another way that they are letting you know that they are fine.

Mary Ann

Morristown, TN

My mother-in-law recently passed. I was the only one with her at her passing. A few weeks later my father-in-law wanted her clothes gone. He was having a problem dealing with her death as they had been married 54 years.

I was alone in the house and talking to my mother-in-law, telling her what I was doing when the most potent smell of perfume came into the room. There was no perfume there at the time and all the clothes were fresh out of the closet and clean. She had been unable to wear them for some time. My husband, their only son, came into the room a little later and the same thing occurred.

I told them it was Billie and she was telling us she was alright with me doing this for her, and that she was alright and in the right place since her passing. My mother-in-law was a Christian and believed in Jesus and heaven. I even talked to her about the job she would hold in heaven when she passed.

Is it wrong to feel insight into something like what happened? I truly believe she was there with me while I was cleaning out her closets. Is that my way of comforting myself and others?

Hi Jocelyn,
You are 100 percent correct. She was so happy you were helping your father-in-law. She knew it would be heart-wrenching for him to do that task. It was her way of saying thank you with the pleasant scent of perfume, and her only way of helping you.

Good job.

Mary Ann


I was just wondering if all the people that die have unfinished business. My brother-in-law was shot and killed. We still don't know who the killer is. Is my brother-in-law still here or did he cross over? Thank you.

Dear Gabriela,
No, everybody that dies does not have unfinished business. Unfortunately people that suffer violent deaths almost always have unfinished business.

If you or anyone has had a dream of your brother-in-law, then he has crossed over. If no one has had a dream of him then he is earthbound.

When you or someone finally dreams of him, ask him in the dream what happened. If he knows he will tell you or someone else.

Mary Ann

Ardmore, TN

Hello Mary Ann,

I think it is a wonderful gift that you have, your daily life must be awesome, and thanks for sharing your experiences with everyone through the show. My best friend was like a brother to me. We would see each other everyday. We worked together and played together…he died in a terrible accident four years ago.

I was supposed to go to the same party he went to the night he died but I got sick and couldn't, but I've lived with the fact that if I had been there that night he wouldn't have gotten into a truck with someone else and maybe he would still be here.

I dream about him often and carry his picture with me everywhere because I miss him so much. I sometimes feel as though someone is with me and at times it feels as though someone is playing with my hair. Is there anyway I can find out if it's him or not? Is there anyway I can talk to him?

Hello Tanya,
I have good news for you. Your friend was ok with his death, because he has crossed over. You would not be able to dream of him if he had not crossed over. Yes, you can talk to him all you want in your dreams. Nobody realizes they can do that.

There is no way you should do the "What if's." This was his time, place and how it was supposed to happen. Your being at that party would not have made a difference.

If your friend had issues with his death, he would not have crossed over. When he visits you, he could be playing with your hair.

Mary Ann

Las Vegas, NV

Dear Mary Ann,

When my oldest boy was only about 18 months old, he woke up one night and said that the ghost scared him. Everyday after that he played with "George" and talked to "George." He described George as long and white and purple. His description never changed no matter what day we asked him. After a few months of this one day he threw himself on the floor screaming and crying.

When I asked him what was wrong he said George would not let him go with him. My initial reaction was "OMG, I don't want you to play with George anymore." A couple of days later he and grandpa were walking to the mailbox and grandpa asked him if he had seen George and he said no, that George went away and wasn't coming back.

I felt bad after this happened because George had never hurt my son and after I thought about what had happened I thought George was protecting my son by not letting him come with him. I do not know who this George was but I do believe that my son saw someone. A few years passed and when he was about five years old he spent the night at grandma and grandpa's one night and came out of the bedroom to tell grandma that George had come by to say "Hi."

Would George be someone we knew in life or could a spirit have attached himself to my son for another reason?



Hello Traicy,
What you are describing is so normal for a child to see and talk about. Children are so innocent and open. They do not even realize who they are talking to. They can see and converse with guardian angels, spirit guides, ghosts that are earthbound and ones that have crossed over, or even a relative coming for a visit.

Children always give their friends names, maybe they make them up, or maybe a ghost tells them a name. The good thing about the "imaginary friends" is that they usually do not stay around very long. So no, your son does not have an earthbound ghost attached to him.

Mary Ann


Unknown said...

Hello Maryann,
My mother passed away 6 months ago from(11-18-2007)Ever since her death I've been having dreams of her non-stop! In my dreams she always tells me that she's alive. I try to explain to her that she passed away and she doesn't want to accept that (in my dream). Also two days after she passed away there was a picture in her room, away from air, away from where anything or anyone can knock it down, but we came home one day and the picture was shattered and placed on the bed. The bed is 3ft away from the wall where the picture was. What do you think all this means?

danielle said...

know this may be out of the ordinary I tried to contact you through the link on the other pages but it didnt work. my mother got your e mail off the radio and it must not be the correct one or she forgot part of it but I really need some assistance. Everyone thinks that I am crazy when I tell this story but this is the truth. I used to be able to feel my father's hand on my shoulder when he passed away and now that it has been since 1998 that he has passed on I can not feel it any longer other then ever so often. I really miss it and I wish that I could feel it again, I have tried to talk to him in numerous ways and one evening I woke to a strange figure standing over my bed that I have never seen before I really need some answers can you please help me..

Danielle Westphal

Unknown said...

If you want to talk to a friend or relative that has died, how do you talk to them and how can you tell if it's safe?

KateOB said...

I have the same question as Brittany===how DO you talk to someone???

Nena said...
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Nena said...

Hello, my name is Helen and I'm from Chandler Arizona. I moved up hear about a year ago, and I thought that I would never have to go through what I did where I lived before. I think it's just me, my husband keeps telling me that it's just me. But anyway, It started when I moved in to this apartment in Imperial Beach, California, I started smelling like if someone was smoking cigarettes in my house. I would look everywhere, even outside to see if someone was smoking. But no, I even asked my neighbors if they smoked in there home, but they told me no, and well I didn’t believe them. I would smell it like everyday, and It just makes me sick. I would always complain to my husband about it and ask him to come over where I smelled the smoke, and he didn't smell anything.

Well after awhile I really didn't think much of it, I just assumed it was the neighbors. So we decided to move last year to Arizona, because California is just too expensive. And we ended up moving into another apartment, and eventually I started to smell the smoke again!! But I found out that practically everyone in my building was a smoker, and I assumed the smoke was coming through the vents. This was so irritating, I hate smoke, and It just made me sick! And no one else smelled it except me, so that was even worse! Well we ended up buying a home, and we moved, and for sure I thought this problem is definitely going away. Well about a couple months went by and nothing, and then here we go again, I start smelling the smoke again! I knew the lady next door smoked and I would look outside to see if maybe she was smoking out there but no she wasn't.

Well my question for you is could there possibly be something following me, or what? I really get freaked out that there might, because when my kids were younger (age 3 or 4), they would always get scared like if they saw things, but I didn't see anything! So, I'm kind of just wondering, because I have yelled out to whomever if there is someone there that they should stop smoking in my home because it really bothers, and that if they want to smoke, please take it outside. I still keep smelling it, and apparently I'm the only one who smells it, so can you let me know something if anything. Thank you for your time.

mouselady said...

Take your own advice. Don't mislead people Mary Ann. I think you are a fraud. I have sent you several emails about my dad and I was really hurting and you never answered. I am devastated!!!! I have never recovered from losing him the way I did. When my cousin died from the bear, I saw her spirit. Now I don't see any sign of my dad, and I cannot heal. I could not make the funeral for reasons beyond my control, or be with him at the hospital when he lingered there for 6 weeks. He was in perfect health when he accidentally broke his neck back in 2006. I wrote you several emails and you just ignored all my responses. That really hurts. I enjoy the show, but I think your a total fraud out for a paycheck and to take prey on weak people, and discriminate on what letters you pick. It's really really sad!!!
Finally Gave UP on YOU!!!