Thursday, November 15, 2007

Emily from Minneapolis, MN

Dear Mary Ann,

My name is Emily, and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I really love the show Ghost Whisperer and enjoyed listening to you on the DVD of the first season.

I bought an old house (built in1923) about five years ago and have had several strange things happen since moving in:

A few times, I've heard loud foot steps going up and down the stairs, and the back door open and shut very loudly.

Once, the door bell began playing a tune (suddenly and for no apparent reason), and the tune was not one that is actually programmed in the door bell. (The door bell has several different melodies programmed into it.)

Once, a dark cloud of smoke started coming out from where the wall meets the ceiling and it swooped down in the shape of a scythe and touched my right side and then quickly went back up into the ceiling.

And, oftentimes, when I'm laying on my bed, it feels like someone is bouncing on it. I've often wondered if this is the ghost of my little brother who died at the age of four (when I was six). He died when he was in a coma. I have a tombstone that I made as an art project some 20 years ago – that really formed itself. . . I didn't realize that's what it was going to be – and I felt very strongly at the time that it was for my little brother. Currently, I keep this tombstone in my bedroom right by the foot of the bed. . . and that's where the bed bounces. How can I find out if the bouncing is the ghost of my little brother jumping up and down on the bed? I would love to know for sure.

Thanks so much!


Hi Emily

Thank you for watching Ghost Whisperer. I am sure you will love the new season , it gives me a lot of pleasure to be connected with the show. There will be some new surprises in the third season, so keep watching!

How sad that your brother died so young, but I do not think the activity that you have described in the house is him.

When a child dies that young a guardian angel, great grand parents, or grand parents will come and help them cross over.

I can not tell you if he has crossed over or not from a letter, but if you or someone has had a dream of him, he is where he is supposed to be. Earthbound ghosts cannot get into dreams.

As for your art project I think that was your mind helping to put your brother to rest, you were so young when he died. How clever that it was a tomb stone.

However, you do seem to have earthbound ghost activity in the house. Everything you have had happen including the bouncing on the bed makes me think this way.

Several suggestions to help quiet the house. One, it never hurts to have an ordained priest or minister bless the house. One word of caution. DO NOT get holy water and sprinkle it about yourself. This will not help the situation. Two, smudge the house. You should be able to find smudge sticks at health food stores, some book stores, or any good metaphysical shop. Smudging is how Native American cleanse their living areas. Follow the instructions in the smudge stick or ask where you buy it how to use it.

Hope this helps.

Mary Ann

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