Thursday, November 15, 2007

Annette- Ghosts At Work

Hi Mary Ann,

I'm a nurse and work night shift in a nursing home. One night, a couple of the nurse's aides saw someone walk in and out of one of the rooms. I along with another aide went to the room to see if someone was out of bed wandering from room to room. The lights were off in the room and I immediately felt uneasy. I felt funny, felt like the room was engulfed in static electricity. No one was in the room but the two men who occupy the room were in their beds asleep.
When the aide and I left the room, we were both feeling odd. We were also rubbing our forearms as it felt our hair on our arms were sticking straight up. We did not discuss what we were feeling until we exited the room.
Being in healthcare, I do deal with death from time to time. Other staff members have had different types of experiences such as seeing people we've taken care of that have died. Another person has seen a closet door open and close in a room.
What was it that I experienced? Was it a ghost?


Dear Annette

Being a nurse in a nursing home you are in a line of work that is right at the top of the list for earthbound ghost in a workplace. Also the chance of bringing them home with you is very strong.

Most people in a nursing home die peacefully, but they may not have any living relatives. They make friends in the home so they stay. Also a dead husband or wife may stay waiting for their spouse to die so that they can cross over together.

Many people in you line of work Annette have great “ghost stories” that are not stories!

At any given time you could have a lot of extra people at work!


Mary Ann

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