Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ash from Bakersfield, CA

Hi Mary,

My name is Ash. I'm 15 years old & i live in Bakersfield California.I was wondering if you could help me out with something.
When i was 7 years old & I lived in Tucson, Arizona I always saw a tall skinny man wearing a white tux with a white top hat,I always saw him passing from my parents room into my room.
Now,I live in Bakersfield & I've been feeling like i'm being watched&followed as im walking through my house&I keep seeing a white figure out of the corner of my eye,but this time it's someone that is as tall as I am.
Whenever I walk out of my room i feel as if someone is waiting for me outside of my door&when i walk out it follows me and i can feel like someone is breathing around me.
Is it my spirit guide?

just knowing that I'm being watched scares me so badly to the point that I cant even sleep.
please help me.
Thank you so much for your time.


Hi Ash

When children are very young they can see all types of ghosts, earthbound spirits, angels, guardian angels, and relatives that have crossed over and are visiting.

As they get older most of them lose the ability. Clearly you have not. Most adults will catch a glimpse of a ghost out of the corner of their eye, like you have. Again these can be any of the above type ghosts.

The ghost that you can hear breathing around you is most likely an earthbound ghost. The other types are not normally heard.

You are afraid, trust your instincts, especially if you feel that you are being watched all the time and you are uncomfortable. You would not get this feeling with ghosts that have crossed over into the light.

You are fifteens years old Ash, talk to your parents. Tell them what is going on, or another adult that will listen to you.

What I am going to recommend you will have to have your parent’s permission. If they agree you can have an ordained priest or minister bless the house. You can also try smudging the house. You should be able to find smudge sticks at health food stores, some book stores, or any good metaphysical store. Follow the instructions that come with the smudge stick or ask when you buy it how to use it.

Please let me know how you are doing.

Mary Ann

1 comment:

Rockymasonicaccountica said...

Hmmm interesting Ive always wanted to try a ouija board. I don't believe in anything of the spiritual nature. I don't think there is much more logical evidence for a ghost than there is for a vampire or a werewolf lol.