Thursday, November 15, 2007

Paul from Bridgewater, NJ

Dear Mary Ann:

When my wife's Aunt passed away from cancer in 1999, I was driving my car to work and felt a rather strong poke on back of my left shoulder. I immediately turned thinking one of my children had stowed away. I was angry because I did not have time to turn around and not be late for work. I actually moved off highway and parked on the shoulder to see who was in the car. I was sweating a cold sweat because when I first turned around in car, nobody was there! I checked the trunk thinking they hid in there and folded down the seat - but nobody was there. I even checked my coat to see if a pen or comb was stuck in the lining but nothing was there. When I got to work my wife called and told me the bad news. I asked her what time she passed and I determined it was at the moment I was poked in car - to the minute! The exit sign where this happened is named 'New Providence Road'. Providence is sometimes used to describe God as did George Washington our first president of the US.

My wife got cancer less than a year later. Was her Aunt trying to tell me something?

Also, my daughter has a friend who says she sees dead people. The very first day her friend visited our house she asked my daughter if the little blonde boy running down the hall was her brother. We have no little blonde son! We were told by neighbors that someone died in the house we live in but they think it was an older grandmother. Since we bought the house in 1999 we have experienced things missing and reappearing. Yes, many are of our own doing but, some are unexplainable. We have had many an argument blaming each other for moving things from where we left them. Today, my wife heard water running and it was the outside hose opened. Nobody was outside as we live in a wooded area and no persons were outside. I was the last one to use hose last evening cleaning my B-B-Q and I know I closed it because I was out well after I used it and it was off.

My wife's cancer seems to come and go with every new drug, which while this happens to many patients, her doctors have said it is strange. Could bad spirits be around prolonging my wife's cancer. Was I maybe activated to the spirit world by my wife's Aunt poking my shoulder. Should we move?

Thanks for listening.

Bridgewater, NJ

Hello Paul,

Yes Paul, your wife’s aunt was letting you know that she had died. This kind of thing is common; a lot of people have described similar experiences.

There is no way your wife’s aunt knew that your wife was going to get cancer, especially the same day that she died. Maybe after she crossed over after her funeral, she could have gotten that knowledge.

I am sorry that your wife has cancer, it is so very hard on her, but just as hard on you and your family.(I know I am cancer free six years now!)

I do not feel that there are any earthbound ghosts around your wife. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Keep praying that the right drug and treatment will work soon.

As for the activity in the house, it sounds like someone is in and out, plus a little boy ghost would think that’s funny. I do not think that he is there twenty four-seven. More than likely he would be in the house around a full moon. Keep track of the activity in the house on a calendar and see if it coincides with the full moon.

Take care.

Mary Ann

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