Thursday, January 17, 2008

Diana from North Dakota

Dear Mary Ann,

My sister and I love the Ghost Whisperer and we are both looking forward to the new series of shows this fall.
I have a few questions I would like answered.

First, My parents are both deceased and were divorced and my Mom was the one who didn't want anything to do with my Dad.
My Mother died several years before my Dad. They both died of cancer, but, the day before my Dad died, my sister showed him a picture of Mom and Dad when they were married and our Dad had such a look of happiness on his face, the next day he passed away. We knew the end was near, but, we didn't think it would be the next day. Did my parents reunite in heaven?

My husband had an uncle who we were very close to, he lived far away, but, every year he came out to visit us, We live on a farm and he loved the farm as he was born on the same farm. When he passed away, he wanted his ashes spread on the farm, his daughter granted his wishes. The day we spread his ashes, we had thrown the ashes into the wind and only my ashes that I was spreading came back to me, it was very odd as we were throwing them into the wind. do you suppose that was our Uncle telling us how pleased he was that his wishes had been granted?

Last fall, we had a neighbor and friend help round up cattle on horseback on our farm, he had helped us many times before, Curtis was a born cowboy and was riding his own horse. Well to make a long story short, he had a horse accident and hit his head and had extensive brain damage, He was on life support for 5 days and his family had decided to take him off. He died 5 days after the accident, he was 26.
Did his soul leave his body that day in the pasture or in the hospital? He was a very Christian young man and we know where he is now.

Thank you for your help.

Dear Diana,

Thank you for watching Ghost Whisperer, in my opinion it is both entertaining and informative.

Your parents did reunite, and because he was smiling when he saw her picture I bet that she was there in spirit to help your dad to die and then to crossover.

All ghosts are pleased when their wishes are followed and they usually give some sort of acknowledgement. Your uncle must have been ecstatic!

How tragic that Curtis was so young, but it sounds like he died loving what he was doing. His spirit would have left his body the day he had no brain activity, which would have been the day of the accident.

Thanks and please keep watching Ghost Whisperer.

Mary Ann

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