Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ali & Christine- Houston, TX

Hi Mary,

We live in Houston Tx. I bought a brand new house in 2003. We used to hear slight noises of someone walking in our attic but we ignored it in the beginning.

Now after 2 years in 2005 my son Zain was born. Six months after his birth the toys were turning on by themselves and the pictures were falling from the walls.

4 months ago my second son was born and the same thing but worst things are happening.

Now the bed shakes in the night. My kids get scared as well. I had a person exorcist me as he said I was possessed by this female ghost. Anyway, things are still the same. Now it even grabs our (me and wife) hands and sometimes freezes our voices to be able to speak (just started).

Bed is still shaking all night and sometimes kids are scared as well.

I have a lot more to tell you. All I need is your help to figure out what that is.

Please contact me.


Ali & Christine

Hello Ali and Christine,

From what you have described happening in your house you do have at least one, probably two earthbound ghosts, one of them is likely a child ghost.

I have no way of knowing from your letter about the accuracy of your possession, but it seems if this was so the exorcism did not help. If money was exchanged for this exorcism I would ask them to try again or give a refund.

Here are a couple of suggestions that you should do, especially because of the children.

ONE –It never hurts to have the house blessed by an ordained priest or minister. DO NOT get holy water and sprinkle it about yourself. This will not help.

Second-Get a smudge stick. Smudge sticks are what Native Americans used to cleanse their living areas. You should be able to find them at health food stores, some book stores, and any good metaphysical shop. Follow the instructions that come with the smudge stick, or ask where you buy it how to use it.

Also you may be able to find more helpful information on my website. Also there is info on how to contact me by phone.

Please let me know, I care.

Mary Ann


gavin dewar said...
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gavin dewar said...

gavin dewar said...
Hello I believe I have an Ghost child in my apartment.
The other day I was trying th record my cat's meeow.To play back later. However; he didn't utter a sound.
But when I played it back. A child's voice said quickly ,"Hi Ya".
Then yesterday I heard someone dragging what sounded like a child's pull claker toy. Along the floor very quikely.
My email is gavin76@rogers.c

June 12, 2008 8:07 AM

EileenM said...

Hello,I have been trying to reach MaryAnn Winkowskis sight and each time I write,it is suddenly disappearing.Please let me know how to send her an e-mail.JVP representative,Brian received my information,and suggested I get in touch with MaryAnn.I am not having a shadow or noise problem,for years my children and I have had unexplainable happenings in our home that have also been experienced by those that spend time in our home to visit.My daughter recently got out of shower and the word"HELP!"was written on her left shoulder.Her deceased fathers initials are tattoed on her rear left shoulder blade and were all marked with scratches,but legible.I took pictures and after the deep writing went away,there was not a single mark on either part of the shoulder.Months ago the same daughter,who was 15 when her father was found dead under undetermined homicidal conditions,had 3 stripes on her forehead and a marking over the entrance to her bedroom.My other daughter had taken a picture of a hooded man in our basement which is just one of the very few spirits we feel are with us.My 16 year-old son woke up in the middle of the night with an imprint of a hand on his chest.There are so many things that happened I cannot even start,it would be a book.I am sorry to bother you,but when I write directly to Maryanns website,it disappears.Please know I am not crazy.We have been discussing the sale of our home recently and this seems to have made things more often and intense.I hope you are doing ok and have peace with your life.We have not and this is just a piece of the unexplainable,incidents we have been living with for years.I would like to thank you for taking the time to read is my e-mail,please if anyone can help get me in touch with MaryAnn It would be so very appreciated.Sincerely,Eileen M

EileenM said...

Hello,I have been trying to reach MaryAnn Winkowskis sight and each time I write,it is suddenly disappearing.Please let me know how to send her an e-mail.JVP representative,Brian received my information,and suggested I get in touch with MaryAnn.I am not having a shadow or noise problem,for years my children and I have had unexplainable happenings in our home that have also been experienced by those that spend time in our home to visit.My daughter recently got out of shower and the word"HELP!"was written on her left shoulder.Her deceased fathers initials are tattoed on her rear left shoulder blade and were all marked with scratches,but legible.I took pictures and after the deep writing went away,there was not a single mark on either part of the shoulder.Months ago the same daughter,who was 15 when her father was found dead under undetermined homicidal conditions,had 3 stripes on her forehead and a marking over the entrance to her bedroom.My other daughter had taken a picture of a hooded man in our basement which is just one of the very few spirits we feel are with us.My 16 year-old son woke up in the middle of the night with an imprint of a hand on his chest.There are so many things that happened I cannot even start,it would be a book.I am sorry to bother you,but when I write directly to Maryanns website,it disappears.Please know I am not crazy.We have been discussing the sale of our home recently and this seems to have made things more often and intense.I hope you are doing ok and have peace with your life.We have not and this is just a piece of the unexplainable,incidents we have been living with for years.I would like to thank you for taking the time to read is my e-mail,please if anyone can help get me in touch with MaryAnn It would be so very appreciated.Sincerely,Eileen Magee