Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tena- Grandmother's House


My name is Tena and I am contacting you regarding an issue I am having with what I believe to be a ghost or spirit.

In my teen years I had an incident in my home (grandma's house was adopted) in the basement hearing a clicking noise and once I found it the pillow moved up on its own and I ran upstairs and literally felt as if something went thru me.

Since then it seems as if what ever that was or is, it has followed me. I get that same feeling and at times have heard that clicking noise (but never look for it now too scared) and the feeling of this presence. (not a good one)

I am not crazy nor really believe in this kind of stuff but know that it is real in my own life. What ever it is it's not good and it frightens me enough to where I am petrified when I am alone. If you could advise me on what to do I would be so appreciative.

In addition I am now 36 years old and have moved a great deal in my life and I do believe it has followed me.


What you experienced in your grandmother’s house could have easily happened. However no one ran thru you. When an earthbound ghost is very, very close to you, right in your space, that is what it can feel like.

You are not crazy. A ghost can easily follow you from house to house. In all honesty who is going to stop them? I can for certain say that this ghost has followed you, because the clicking noise the ghost makes is very distinct. Not many do that so it has to be the same one.

Here are two suggestions that may help.

First- It never hurts to have your home blessed by an ordained priest or minister. DO NOT get holy water and sprinkle it about. This will not help.

Second- Get what is called a smudge stick. This is what Native Americans used to cleanse their living spaces. You should be able to find smudge sticks at health food stores, some book shops, or any good metaphysical store. Follow the instructions in the package or ask for instructions where you buy it.

Good luck.

Mary Ann

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