Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mrs. Hartley from Clinton, S.C.

I'm sure this doesn't seem weird to you but I am just wondering. My dad died February 18th, 1997. Now I was very close to him and I even felt when he passed. I had a hard time dealing with his passing and everyone else's since. Today me and my husband took my mother out to eat. I started thinking about my dad and then I smelled his smell. I could have sworn he was right there with us. As soon as the smell passed the song 'Callin All Angels' came on the radio in the resturant.The beginning line of that song is ' I need a sign to let me know your'e here' in which I was then covered in cold chills and almost cried. So could it have been possible that he dropped in on us for a brief moment?

Mrs. Hartley
Clinton, S.C.

Dear Mrs. Hartley

How lucky that you got such a great sign from your father. He is at peace and content, but waiting for your mother and you.

I am sure that he is around more than you realize, but sometimes they want you to really know it!

So many people have written to me and have wished, that what happened to you would happen to them.

Lucky you.

Mary Ann


Billy said...

to me like the wind blow very hard when I get mad and I just had a question if I was a witch or something and I want to know if I can speak to the dead.

Jo Curl said...

My grandfather used to drive a maroon coloured Jaguar car, he looked after my sister and I from age 6 to 16 and I looked up to him, he died 6 years ago.
I went travelling to New Zealand the beggining of this year and one day was feeling lonely and felt ready to come home early but on the same day I saw 'his car', which made me stay to enjoy the rest of my trip. It didn't stop there, my sister was driving the family to visit other family members one weekend since I came home in May, which took about an hour each way. Everytime I said "Pops" we would drive passed ' his car', I must of said it at least 3 or 4 times????? It freaked out everyone in the car so on the way home I didn't say anything.