Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jo- Dogs and Photos

My dog Sadie passed over a while back. This is one of the pictures of Sadie with a white orb with her. There is one more...have not found yet.What to you think? The white orb showed up about a month before Sadie passed over. ;-) And no other orbs in any other pics before. This is a first for me to see in any pics I have taken... ever! LOL I have 4 dogs and some cats.. no orbs around them when I took the pictures that time in that one room. Sadie- black, is laying under a futon that is folded out into a bed...she is laying next to a pink blanket. You can see her left eye, the other one is covered by the orb. Now that I look closer at the pic, enlarging it... where I thought Sadie's left eye is...I now see her eyes are closed.. what I thought was Sadie's open left eye. now looks like a tiny orb. The orbs in my enlarged version of the pic, have a blue outline with some violet. What to you make of this?
Thank you for your time and thoughts...
Blessings, Jo

Dear Jo,

An orb is as ghost that has crossed over, but comes to us for a visit. They are not harmful; it makes no difference what colors that they are.

All that this picture means is the day that you took it some one was visiting, and that you were lucky enough to get it on film.

Sadie and the other dog in the picture look nice and peaceful, nothing to worry about.

Hope my thoughts on this have helped.

Mary Ann

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