Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kris from Eastern Canada

Dear MaryAnn,

I have an odd question. I have two daughters and recently lost a third daughter while late in my second trimester. While pregnant on each daughter (and before I knew the sex) I dreamed of holding a baby boy in my arms and knowing his name. On three occasions I have had this dream, with three different names and I wake up 'knowing' that this is the name of the baby in a very real, very powerful way. All of the names were ones that I was not considering for the baby; one of them I even had to look up because I had never heard it before. I wonder why I may have had a dream like this on each pregnancy, and why a baby boy was in each one when I eventually gave birth to three daughters. I also would like to know if my daughter who died in utero at 24 weeks was conscious of our love and if she knows of her sisters.

Thanks MaryAnn,
Kris in Eastern Canada

Hi Kris

First of all I am sorry about the baby, but yes she felt your love and now that she is in heaven she is around all of you.

I am not a dream expert, but I looked up some information and you could actually be remembering children from a past life or lives. If so you have had at least three boys and in this life you have gotten girls. Things have a way of evening out!

You might be able to find out even more information from a good dream interpretation book.

Hope this points you in the right direction.

Mary Ann

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